We are one: US.
We are all connected to each other by a mutual internal layer of the same giant space.
The boundary of that space is an incredible flexible membrane which is made of gravitons, and we call it the graviton membrane (MB). That membrane is invisible because it is made from the smallest possible particles. The interior of that giant space contains the basic ingredients of all known and unknown energy processes, natural laws, knowledge, life forms and materials, and derivated events. By an ingenious way of folding new dimensions are created, which are connected directly via their common joining zones or indirectly by specific conditions. Our Big Tube theory is based on a remarkable simple key process that we call: Pelastration. In our understanding every essential energetic 'joint' or 'action' is or is the result of combinations of pelastrated tubes originated from several dimensions.
This concept - artistic, intellectual and intuitive appealing to me - may offer insights and motivation to people looking and searching for a understandable proof or a view of their destiny, of their reason of being in this life. I can assure you that since I started to understand the Tunity of US I looked to people that I met in a new 'other way'. At least I have now an image how such Tunity works, and that's a relieve. And you can be sure that You and I are connected ... not only by Internet but also by the fundamental source.
This Unifying concept may also offer Cosmologists a solution for the cosmic puzzle.