The Living Creatures.
Life is the combination of two types of energies. From and through Earth we receive the essential bricks to build our body. From other dimensions we receive other type of information and energy. Some people call that the Aura and meeting points between body and spiritual micro-tubes are called Chakra's.
I will make some extra pages on this field in the near future.
Interesting is to see how the Big Tube concept explains area's that were never understood.
For example: Homeopathy. Haheman started to observe how a pure tincture (V3) made healthy persons (V3) sick. Then dilutions (V2) were made to see when the sympthoms disappeared. Homeopathy dilutions are made by vibrating sequentially (in a fixed pattern) solutions till there are almost no molecules inside, even no molecules at all (D12-20). Such dilutions work on non-materials levels (V2) in the sick body (V3). When the added vibrations on level V2 stretch level 2 in the correct way, the body V3 will also stretch.
That's how Homeopathy works.
And about serious 'Healers'. They work the same way. Reshaping the correct energy levels by using their own resonance. Most work by intuition or extra-sensitiviteit (exercised practice).
On next image is shown how our brain functions with the small tubes. Memory is for example the fixing of interconnected tubes.
Now what is life?
Conditions for Life is when in our Td universe sub-tubes and/or micro-tubes (also from dimensions) meet each other in a very specific way. Two micro-tubes come from opposite directions to each other and have a close-encounter on a 'cross-point' (f.e.. distance 10-29 cm). This may produce or (1) a frontal collision leading to two pumping micro-tube spirals joined (fixed) temporally to each other in a double helix, or (2) a close-encounter creating a self-powering substance of elements from that tube-zone (e.g. two submarines creating a water vortex.).
The conditions of the tube-zone will determinate if, how and when life-basics and building-blocs are available. Our human body is thus built from billions of very small sub-tubes coming from several dimensions joined in a temporary synergy ... and all those billions tiny sub-tubes have the basic layers and are today in direct contact with the basic Universal source. |
Now that you understand how the guiding of energy works in the Universe you can relax and mediate more efficient. |
What is LIFE ? Is there a GOD? are fundamental questions for almost every normal person. Religions, philosophers, Esoteric societies and many others have given their own interpretations but never explaining how the Universal Source is directly connected with everything.